THE cost effective, turnkey LED
lighting provider for K-12’s and Colleges
in Texas and beyond



About us

Aquila Environmental (“AE”) formed in 2015, has established itself as a market leader in offering turnkey LED lighting solutions for large school districts and colleges in Texas and throughout the Southwest. Objectively speaking, AE has executed district wide LED retrofits for 60+ K-12’s and colleges over the past 7-years, always serving as the ‘prime contractor.’ AE has also worked with some of the largest private sector landlords in the United States, conducting multi-site retrofits ranging from hotels, manufacturing facilities, and office campuses.

What Differentiates Us

Most of us at AE did not come from within ‘industry.’ Therefore, we have always opted to pursue the ‘common sense’ approach vs. the ‘industry norm’ approach which is often not in the customers best interest. We seek to set ourselves apart by:

  • Always working directly with the end user as the ‘prime contractor.’ This means we typically avoid partnerships with other energy service companies (“ESCO’s”) and ultimately reduce layers of markup to you, our customer.

  • We largely serve one profile of customer with one service (LED retrofitting). We seek to be the most proficient at what we do. You could say our goal is to become the ‘Southwest Airlines’ of LED lighting retrofits.

  • Our service is about dollars and cents for the customer – we offer solutions that create as much energy savings as possible relative to as low of a cost as possible.

  • We control the supply chain – often by the time a school district buys LED lights it has been marked up 5-7x as it traveled through the traditional global supply chain. We seek to import directly and cut out the ‘middle man,’ thus passing those cost savings onto our customers.

  • We are conservative – we seek to always ‘under promise and overdeliver’ as it relates to what we say we can deliver on. All of our business comes from referrals of happy customers.

  • We can typically start any project within 2-3 weeks of a purchase order.

What We Offer

(In the realm of LED Lighting Conversions)

In addition to district wide LED conversions, AE also specializes in:

  • Lighting Control design and implementation - we believe 'less is always more' for school districts as it relates to lighting controls

  • Bond Project Lighting Procurement - we work directly with your bond program managers to procure and install the lighting directly saving you substantial money when your new construction project is over budget

  • Sports Lighting - Football fields, baseball fields, soccer fields, you name it - if it has lights we can convert them to high output long lasting LED lights

When we convert a school district to LED, we manage the project from ‘cradle to grave.’
This includes:

  • Facility audit

  • System design

  • Project Installation / Project Management

  • Warranty Management

  • Measure and Verification of energy savings ("M&V")

A Sampling of Customers We Serve

Help Us, Help You

Interested in seeing how we can unlock substantial energy savings with minimal cost of your time?
Send us an email at
or give us a call 817-953-3171